How to make money with the affiliate program in 2025
Do you want to earn money by recommending accommodation to travelers? With the Booking Affiliates program, you can do it. How to join this program and maximize your income? In this guide I will tell you everything you need to know to be a Booking affiliate.

What is the Booking affiliate program?
Booking is a leading platform for searching for hotels around the world and has its own affiliate program thanks to which you will earn a commission every time a reservation is made from your link, which you can share on your blog or on social networks.
When a person browses your website and clicks on your link, they are taken to the Booking page where they can finally make the reservation. If this happens and the customer does not cancel the reservation, then you are rewarded with a commission.
Keep in mind that you can charge the commission only when the reservation date has passed, to be sure that the user used it and not that it was a purchase generated only to earn the commission.
How does the Booking Affiliate Center work?
Booking offers a very easy-to-use affiliate center, so it won’t take you long to get familiar with it. I explain how to enter it and what its most important sections are.
Login to the affiliate center
- Go to
- Click Sign in
- Enter your email address and click Next
- Enter your password and press Sign in
- You will enter your panel whose main screen shows your commissions, among other information as a summary.
Complete your payment information
Before linking, it’s a good idea to set up your payment details. You can do this by going to Your account > Account Setup, from where it is also possible to edit your personal information.
Booking pays its affiliates by PayPal or bank transfer. Choose the method you prefer and complete the requested information.
Share links
Let’s move on to the most important part: ways to share affiliate links. Go to Products > Overview and you will see all the available options.
Map widget
The intention of this widget is to show the hotels and other types of accommodation that are registered in Booking and that belong to the same area.
You can include it on your website in a section titled “where to stay in x”. Thus, the visitor will see all the options that are available.
Search box
With this option you display a Booking search engine on your site, which also includes the reservation dates.
Inspiring search box
It also shows a search box but the recommendation of some accommodations is attached to it, as inspiration.
Deals finder
It is a good way to show offers available in a certain city.
Show a Booking banner on your website. Although it has very few customization options, you can choose between three available sizes and the language in which the text will be displayed.
Text links
It is one of the most popular options, as it only consists of entering the link in the desired anchor text to take the user to any Booking page.
Review score widget
It is an attractive option that allows you to include user reviews about accommodation on your website. You can display the punctuation badge, text punctuation, among other elements.
To know the performance of your affiliate links, you must go to Performance where you will find the number of clicks, conversion rate, commissions and other data.
You will be able to see a balance of the current month or review the past ones, so you will know how well your links are working and which ones give the best results.
You can see the commissions that you have pending to collect on the main page of your dashboard.
A way to see the information in more detail is by entering Performance and going to the three columns below the graph. Keep in mind that commissions go through three stages:
- Estimated commissions: when the reservation is made
- Projected earnings: This is what you are expected to earn
- Earnings: If the reservation is not cancelled, the commission goes to this box and will be ready to be collected.
How to create an affiliate account in Booking?
As with any affiliate program, Booking establishes a series of conditions that must be met by anyone who wants to join its network.
Firstly and most importantly, you must have a website or blog focused on the travel and tourism sector or a related topic. That is, a site where it makes sense to promote accommodation.
Not any website in the tourism sector will be accepted, it must meet other conditions, such as being active, having quality content, traffic and being attractive.
If you meet this condition, then you can join Booking Affiliates and now I will explain how.
Complete your personal information
To join Booking Affiliates you must enter this link. You will see a form in which you have to fill out your name, email address, password and country.

Data from your website
In the registration process, it is necessary to indicate the address of the website or blog where you will include the affiliate links. This is the second step of registration and you have to add the website name, URL and sector.

You will have to select the sector from the list and you will see several options available:
- Search for accommodation
- Refunds page
- Online travel agency
- Physical travel agency
- Indexing page or web directory
- Metasearch
- Blogs and landing pages
- Other sector
When you complete all the requested information, click on the I want to register button. If everything goes well, you will see the confirmation screen and from this moment you become a Booking affiliate.
Next, enter your email and you will see the welcome message to the program in which your affiliate ID (AID) is located, that is, the code used to track reservations that arrive from your website.
Additionally, verify your domain from the same email, just by clicking on the included button.
Information about your website
Although you included basic information about your website when registering, you will need to provide other information.
In principle, indicate what type of website you have, which will take you to another screen where you will see three options:
- Your users want or need to travel.
- Your users evaluate different options based on their travel requirements.
- Your travelers make the purchase.
Choose the one that corresponds to your site, for example, if you have travel guides on your blog, you will have to mark the first one.
Next, you must indicate who makes the reservations: you for the users or the users themselves, most likely your page will adapt to the second option.
Also, you must indicate which target your audience belongs to, you can mark several options if applicable. The next step relates to the CMS you use, if it is WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix or another, press Yes.
Finally, indicate where your traffic is coming from, for example, SEO or social networks. With this, you have finished setting up your site, but there is still one more step to register.
This is your tax data. When you enter your panel you will see two notifications related to these, I advise you to respond to them because otherwise you will not be able to receive your commissions.
First, you must indicate whether you are an individual or a company and, second, complete your tax information.
What commissions does Booking offer?
Booking offers commissions of 25%, however, it is necessary to clarify that this value is not calculated on the cost of the reservation, but on what Booking receives for it, which is estimated at 10%.
Then it will be from that 10% (or another percentage) that you will receive 25%.
25% is the base commission, because it can increase according to the number of reservations made per month from your website. Left this way:
- 0 to 50 reservations: 25%
- 51 to 150 reservations: 30%
- 151 to 500 reservations: 35%
- More than 501 reservations: 40%
How and when can you collect your commissions? We have already mentioned that the two payment methods are PayPal and electronic transfer. It will be necessary to have a minimum of 100 euros in the account to request a payment.
In addition, the commissions are not added automatically, but you will see them reflected two months later. For example, if a user made a reservation for May 15, you will see the commission reflected from July 15.
How can you make money with Booking Affiliates?
Now we leave you a route to follow to earn money with Booking Affiliates, take note:
Choose the niche
The starting point is the choice of the niche or what is the same, the sector that you will talk about on your website.
In order to be accepted into the Booking affiliate program, it is necessary to have a website or blog that focuses on the tourism sector, for example, travel guides, experiences, recommendation of tourist services, discount website, and others similar.
It is expected that the niche you select is attractive and has traffic, that is, that many people search for it, only then there are chances that they will reach your website and end up making a reservation.
You can create a website that deals with tourism topics from any part of the world, one that is limited to a certain area, country or region or another aimed at a specific city. The idea is that they are popular sites with tourists.
How to know? You can use keyword search tools that will help you know how many queries are made on the internet about that destination. We leave you this guide to find niches.
Buy the domain and hosting
The domain is the unique address that your page will have and the hosting is the site where it will be hosted.
It is important to choose a domain that is related to your topic and that can be easily remembered by users, this way you will make it easier for them to find you. About hosting or web hosting, you will find multiple providers.
If your website has just started, it is good for you to hire shared hosting in which several users share the resources of the same server. If you have more visitors, the best thing will be a VPS where you can control the resources assigned to you and hire more just when you need them.
Finally, if you purchase a dedicated server, you will not have to share resources with anyone. Of course, this type is for those who have many visitors every day and for those who can afford it.
In relation to the characteristics that the domain must have is the SSL certificate, while when choosing hosting look at what they offer regarding monthly transfer, disk space, security options and uptime.
Create the website with WordPress and Wasabi Theme
The next step will be to install WordPress on the server. Of course, you can use other CMS like Joomla or Drupal, but I recommend WordPress because it is free, secure and very complete. It has everything you need to create a page focused on tourism.
Installing this CMS is as simple as making a couple of clicks in your hosting control panel since in most cases it is included.
When you have WordPress ready, you will need to add a template or theme. There are indeed specific templates for travel, but you have to install various plugins for these so that they can have a professional appearance.
For this reason, Wasabi Theme is positioned as the best template to make money with Booking Affiliates since you do not need an API, it makes it easy to insert links, it is SEO friendly and it is super fast. In addition, it is not necessary to install many plugins because it incorporates their functions.
Wasabi Theme works very well with, even allowing you to create accommodation comparison tables and make complete travel guides, as you can see in this demo.

To configure your new theme, you need to upload the zip file you received when purchasing it. In your WordPress go to Appearance > Themes and click Upload New. When the installation process is finished, you must activate the theme.
Next, customize the appearance of your website, for example, upload the logo, define what will go in the header, select the colors, the configuration of permanent links, among other aspects.
If you don’t work on SEO, it will be difficult for you to appear in the best search engine positions, those where there are more possibilities of traffic.
If you decided to install Wasabi, you will have a website completely optimized for SEO, since this template has been created by positioning experts, has an excellent loading speed and is ready for monetization.
It is necessary to work on both on-page and off-page SEO. The first has to do with the actions you perform within your web page and its content, for example, the use of keywords, headings, internal linking, optimized images, SEO title and meta description, among others.
For its part, for off-page SEO you can do link building, that is, put links to your website from other places, whether you get them on platforms to buy links or you look for them on your own.
Two good ways to do this are by purchasing sponsored posts or writing guest articles on other websites that are related to yours.
Read our mega guide to creating niches
In the previous steps we have summarized the steps you need to follow to create a website that you can monetize with Affiliates, but we also have a niche creation guide that you won’t want to miss.
Are there alternatives to Booking?
If you don’t like Booking or want to use more than one affiliate program, you will find good options in the tourism sector on affiliate platforms such as Awin, Tradedoubler or Webgains.
Likewise, there are specific platforms such as Tripadvisor, Skyscanner, Airbnb, Civitatis, HelloTickets and many more.